Red and orange color Lobster smiling

100 Funny Lobster Jokes/Puns

Prepare to be shell-shocked with a tidal wave of laughter! We present to you an oceanic assortment of 100 funny lobster jokes and puns that will tickle your funny bone and leave you in stitches.

Whether you’re a kid or an adult, these hilarious crustacean-themed jokes are sure to make waves of laughter wash over you. From claw-some dad jokes to fin-tastic wordplay, we’ve got the funniest lobster humor that will have you cracking up.

So, get ready to dive into a sea of laughter and be buoyed by the joy of sharing these fantastic lobster jokes with others. It’s time to let the lobster hilarity begin!

Lobster Jokes For Kids & Adults:

Healthy lobster with open hands
Image: Funnyjokesfeed
  1. Why don’t lobsters share? Because they’re shellfish!
  2. What do you call a lobster that can’t swim? A “pinch” of irony!
  3. What did the lobster say to the crab? “I’m feeling claw-ful today!”
  4. Why did the lobster blush? Because it saw the ocean’s bottom!
  5. What did one lobster say to the other during a fight? “Let’s settle this in a claw-some way!”
  6. Why don’t lobsters like to share their food? Because they’re shellfish!
  7. Why did the lobster bring a shell to the party? Because it wanted to be a little more “clamorous”!
  8. What do you call a lobster with a great singing voice? A crooner-pot!
  9. What did the lobster do on its vacation? It went to the beach to get a little “crabby”!
  10. What do you get when you cross a lobster with a telephone? A shell phone!
  11. Why did the lobster refuse to fight the octopus? Because it didn’t want to get “inked”!
  12. What do lobsters study in school? Clawculus!
  13. Why did the lobster start a band? Because it had perfect “pincer” timing!
  14. What’s a lobster’s favorite instrument? The shell-o!
  15. What did the lobster chef say to the impatient customer? “Don’t get crabby, your order will be shell-ivered soon!”
  16. Why was the lobster sent to the principal’s office? It was being a “shellionaire”!
  17. What do you call a lobster that’s good at catching fish? A “lobster-dian”!
  18. What did the lobster say to the shrimp at the casino? “Let’s roll the dice and get this seafood party started!”
  19. What do lobsters do for fun? They play “crustacean” tag!
  20. Why did the lobster go to the art gallery? It wanted to see some “crab-stractions”!
  21. Why don’t lobsters like to fight? Because they prefer to have a “clawsome” time!
  22. What did the lobster say to the lobster roll? “You’re my butter half!”
  23. Why did the lobster become a comedian? Because it had a lot of “claws” for jokes!
  24. What’s a lobster’s favorite exercise? Pinch-ups!
  25. What do you call a lobster with a fancy car? A “crustacean” driving machine!
  26. Why did the lobster go to the party? Because it heard there would be plenty of “shell-abration”!
  27. What did the lobster say to the fisherman? “You’re really krilling me, dude!”
  28. Why did the lobster get a ticket? Because it was “shelling” out too much money!
  29. What’s a lobster’s favorite dessert? Claw-olate cake!
  30. What do you call a lobster that can’t stop telling jokes? A “clownster”!
  31. Why don’t lobsters like to share their secrets? Because they’re shell-fish!
  32. What’s a lobster’s favorite game show? “Who Wants to Be a Shell-ionaire?”
  33. Why did the lobster get lost? It didn’t have a compass-claw!
  34. What did the lobster say to the seafood chef? “Don’t take me for granted, I’m a real “claw-some” catch!”
  35. What do you get when you cross a lobster with a computer? A pinch-hitting machine!
  36. Why did the lobster get a job in the library? Because it wanted to be a bookworm!
  37. What did the lobster say to the crab who stole its lunch? “You’re really “crabby” today!”
  38. What’s a lobster’s favorite dance? The pinch-and-twist!
  39. Why did the lobster join a gym? It wanted to get “ripped”!
  40. What do you call a lobster that’s afraid of the ocean? A “lobsterphobe”!
  41. Why did the lobster start a business? Because it wanted to be a “claw-porate” executive!
  42. What’s a lobster’s favorite type of movie? A “shell-arious” comedy!
  43. Why was the lobster blushing? Because it saw the crabgrass!
  44. What did the lobster say to the lifeguard? “Don’t worry, I’m an expert at “shore”-thing!”
  45. What do you call a lobster that can play the guitar? A “rock-lobster”!
  46. Why did the lobster go to the casino? It heard there were great “claw-payouts”!
  47. What do you call a lobster magician? Shell-dini!
  48. Why did the lobster go to the doctor? It was feeling a bit “shell”!
  49. What did the lobster say to its crab friend? “You’re my “buddy-claw”!”
  50. What’s a lobster’s favorite type of music? “Claw”-ssical!

Best One Liner Jokes About Lobster:

Lobster on the blue background
Image: Funnyjokesfeed
  1. Why did the lobster become a detective? It had a knack for “claw”-solving mysteries!
  2. What do you call a lobster that loves to play practical jokes? A “shell”-arious prankster!
  3. Why don’t lobsters ever pay their bills? Because they’re always “shelling” out money!
  4. What did the lobster say to the shrimp who won the lottery? “You’re one “shell” of a lucky crustacean!”
  5. What’s a lobster’s favorite sport? “Claw”-quet!
  6. Why did the lobster bring a map to the beach? Because it wanted to find the “claw-some” spots!
  7. What do you call a lobster that can’t keep a secret? A “claw-mate” blabbermouth!
  8. Why did the lobster become a chef? Because it had a taste for “ex-shell-ence”!
  9. What did the lobster say to the shrimp in the weightlifting competition? “Prepare to be “claw”-ed over!”
  10. What do you get when you mix a lobster and a snake? A “lobster-pyth-on”!
  11. Why don’t lobsters ever pay compliments? Because they’re too “shell”-fish!
  12. What did the lobster say to its girlfriend? “You’re the “claws” to my heart!”
  13. Why did the lobster go to the dance party? Because it wanted to do the “claw-stomp”!
  14. What’s a lobster’s favorite game? “Pinch” pong!
  15. Why did the lobster go to the concert? It wanted to see its favorite band, “The Claw-tures”!
  16. What did the lobster say to the crab during a race? “I’m gonna beat you, claw and square!”
  17. Why did the lobster start a blog? It had a lot of “shells” to share!
  18. What’s a lobster’s favorite board game? “Claw”tastrophe!
  19. Why did the lobster become a stand-up comedian? It had the audience “claw”-ing with laughter!
  20. What do you call a lobster that can’t stop exercising? A “fit-ster”!
  21. Why did the lobster bring a camera to the beach? Because it wanted to take “shell-fies”!
  22. What did the lobster say to the fisherman who caught it? “You’ve got good “taste”, my friend!”
  23. What’s a lobster’s favorite musical instrument? The “claw”-rinet!
  24. Why did the lobster refuse to share its dessert? It wanted to keep its “claw-fee” cake all to itself!
  25. What do you call a lobster that’s a big fan of the circus? A “claw-n” enthusiast!
  26. Why did the lobster start a gardening business? Because it had a knack for “shell”-ing plants!
  27. What did the lobster say to the crab about its new car? “It’s quite “claw”-some, don’t you think?”
  28. What’s a lobster’s favorite type of weather? Sunny and “shell”-lightful!
  29. Why did the lobster become a teacher? It wanted to educate the “claw”-ss!
  30. What do you call a lobster that loves to dance? A “boogie-lobster”!
  31. Why did the lobster bring a suitcase to the beach? It was planning to have a “claw-some” vacation!
  32. What did the lobster say when it got pinched? “Ouch! That’s really “shell”-arious!”
  33. Why did the lobster go to the comedy club? It wanted to listen to some “claw”-ver jokes!
  34. What’s a lobster’s favorite party game? “Musical “claws”!
  35. Why did the lobster become a scientist? It wanted to solve the mystery of “shell”-evolution!
  36. What did the lobster say to the shrimp at the seafood buffet? “Let’s dive in and enjoy this “claw-some” feast!”
  37. What do you call a lobster that’s always in a hurry? A “fast-claw”!
  38. Why did the lobster get a job at the bakery? Because it kneaded the dough!
  39. What’s a lobster’s favorite mode of transportation? A “shell”-icopter!
  40. Why did the lobster bring a raincoat to the beach? It wanted to be prepared for the “claw-storm”!
  41. What did the lobster say to the seagull who stole its lunch? “You’re really “beak”-ing me off!”
  42. Why did the lobster become a poet? It had a way with “claws” and words!
  43. What’s a lobster’s favorite movie genre? “Claw-medy”!
  44. Why did the lobster go to the fancy restaurant? It wanted a “claw”-ssy dining experience!
  45. What did the lobster say to the fish in the aquarium? “You’re all “fin”-tastic friends!”
  46. Why don’t lobsters ever get lost? They always have a “claw”ful sense of direction!
  47. What do you call a lobster with an attitude? A “crustacean” diva!
  48. Why did the lobster bring a magnifying glass to the beach? It wanted to search for tiny “shell”-fish!
  49. What’s a lobster’s favorite season? “Claw”-tumn!
  50. Why did the lobster join a band? Because it had a “claw-some” sense of rhythm!

Final Words:

We’ve journeyed through a sea of laughter with our collection of 100 hilarious lobster jokes. These puns and wordplay have given us a “claw-some” time, tickling our funny bones and bringing smiles to our faces.

So next time you encounter a lobster, remember to share a chuckle and embrace the joy these delightful crustaceans can bring. Keep the laughter flowing and never underestimate the power of a well-crafted lobster joke. Stay “shell-arious”!






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